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8 hours per month

This package is designed to give you piece of mind that help is at hand when you need it. The package provides

8 hours of developer resource per month which allows for

- Support for bug fixes

- Support for questions and training

- Development for minor changes that can be completed within the given months allotted hours

Additional Information
(required fields are marked with *)
If you use zero support and maintenance time in a 1 month period we roll over 50% of that unused month to the following month only upon payment of the following month. This is only in the instance of zero support and maintenance time being used at all in a 1 month period. Changes to the existing application are within reason. For example the hours will not cover building a new piece of functionality that will take 40 hours by completing this over the equivalent package months hours for example. This is because support hours are provided at a heavily discounted hourly rate to our normal day rate.
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